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How to Care for Your Skin After an IPL Treatment

How to Care for Your Skin After an IPL Treatment How to Care for Your Skin After an IPL Treatment

Whether you’ve just completed your first IPL treatment and are wondering what’s next…


OR you’re a thorough research queen who’s considering IPL treatment, and you want to make sure you know everything you need to know about how to keep your skin happy and healthy…


Yeah, you’re in the right place :) IPL aftercare is simple and straightforward, but essential to promote healing and see optimal permanent hair removal results.


We’re here to answer EVERY Q – from frequently asked questions to the questions you didn’t even know to ask. Read on to learn all the ins and outs of IPL home treatment aftercare, from best practices to expert tips.

Why IPL Aftercare Matters

Proper IPL aftercare can help minimize the chance of possible health complications, increase post-treatment comfort, and ensure that your skin heals optimally so you can continue consistent treatment that delivers the best, fastest results.


Let’s get into some IPL aftercare FAQs!


Quick note: While most of these tips and tricks are applicable to any at-home IPL hair removal device, we answered each question with Lumi in mind!


Related: What Is Lumi?

Immediate Post-Treatment Care for IPL

What should I expect right after IPL treatment?

After treatment on the lowest setting, most users don’t notice much sensation at all. If your skin is sensitive or you used your IPL device on a higher setting, you might feel some minor skin discomfort, skin redness, or skin sensitivity. This typically goes away within 24 hours. Keep your skin soothed and hydrated with an aloe-based body lotion.


Is there anything I should avoid doing after an IPL session?

Avoid prolonged sun exposure. Wait at least 48 hours after using Lumi before sun tanning, and do not sun tan between treatments. Also, avoid waxing, threading, epilating, tweezing, or any other method that removes hair at the root – further IPL treatment won’t be effective if the hair follicle is not intact.


Should I drink more water after IPL?

It certainly doesn’t hurt! Staying hydrated can help moisturize your skin from the inside out.


Are there any foods or drinks I should avoid post-IPL to help my skin heal?

Consider abstaining from alcohol for a day or two post-IPL treatment – it can dehydrate the skin.

When to Resume Using Products

Can I use moisturizer after IPL?

You can, and you should! We recommend applying an aloe-based body lotion to the treated area immediately following IPL treatment.


When can I resume using retinol or other active ingredients post-IPL?

Avoid using retinol and products high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C on the treated area for at least two days following IPL treatment. Using retinol on areas that weren’t treated with IPL is fine.


Is it safe to use exfoliants after IPL?

Avoid exfoliating treated skin immediately following IPL – make exfoliating part of your pre-IPL routine instead, 12-24 hours before treatment. Exfoliating areas that weren’t treated with IPL is fine.


Can I wear makeup after IPL?

Wait 24 hours before applying cosmetics on treated skin. Applying makeup on areas that weren’t treated with IPL is fine.


When is it safe to apply foundation or concealer after IPL?

Wait 24 hours before applying foundation or concealer on treated skin. Applying foundation or concealer on areas that weren’t treated with IPL is fine.


What kind of makeup remover should I use after IPL?

Use micellar water or a gentle, mild cleanser to remove makeup after IPL. Using your usual makeup remover on areas that weren’t treated with IPL is fine.

Physical Activities and Lifestyle

How long after IPL can I shower?

Showering following IPL treatment is perfectly fine – just avoid extremely hot showers or baths for 24-48 hours, especially if your skin is feeling sensitive post-treatment.


Can I go to the gym or exercise after IPL?

If you’re feeling up to it, go for it! But if you experience skin sensitivity after IPL treatment, avoid vigorous exercise for the rest of the day.


Is it safe to swim after IPL treatment?

We recommend avoiding swimming for 48 hours after IPL treatment.


How long should I wait before resuming normal activities?

Listen to your body! Many IPL users pretty much just live their lives after IPL treatment. If you don’t notice skin sensitivity post-IPL, you’re good to resume most normal activities. If you experience discomfort, take it easy for the rest of the day.

Sun Protection and Exposure

How long should I avoid sun exposure after IPL?

Avoid direct sun exposure for at least 48 hours after IPL treatment. Always cover up or wear sunscreen between IPL treatments – do not sun tan between treatments.


When can I start using sunscreen after IPL?

You can apply sunscreen immediately following IPL treatment.


Can I go outside in the sun right after an IPL session?

IPL treatment can make your skin more sun-sensitive. Avoid direct sun exposure for at least 48 hours post-treatment. If you need to go outside in the sun immediately following treatment, wear sunscreen or long, loose-fitting clothing.


Related: Is It Safe to Use IPL Hair Removal in the Summer?

Skincare Routine After IPL

What are the best products to use after IPL?

Moisturizer (ideally an aloe-based body lotion or Vaseline) and SPF (anytime you’re outside) are the essentials! 


What are products to avoid after IPL?

For at least 24 hours, avoid using exfoliants, cosmetics, and products that are high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C, including skincare containing AHAs, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide. Using any of these products on areas that weren’t just treated with IPL is fine.

Dealing with Side Effects After IPL

What are common IPL side effects and how should they be treated?

IPL side effects are generally milder than laser hair removal side effects. The most common IPL side effects are minor skin discomfort, skin redness, and skin sensitivity. Keep treated skin moisturized and use over-the-counter pain relievers to manage discomfort, if desired.


How long do common side effects typically last?

Minor IPL side effects typically go away on their own within 24 hours.


What should I do if I notice swelling, blistering, or burning?

These side effects are rare, but possible. Consult your physician if you experience skin wounds, burns, scarring, pigment changes, excessive swelling, or infection after IPL treatment.

Long-Term Aftercare for IPL

How can I maintain my results between IPL sessions?

The most important factor is consistency! Do IPL treatment 1-2x week for 6-12 weeks for best results. Also, make sure your skin and hair are adequately prepped for further treatment – don’t wax, epilate, tweeze, or anything else that removes hair at the root.


Related: How to Lumi


How often should you do IPL treatments?

Use Lumi 1-2x a week for 6-12 weeks for full results. 


After 12 weeks of consistent use, use Lumi once a month for the next three months, or as you notice any remaining hair growth.


Beyond that, there’s still a chance some hair will still try to grow back every once in a while – we recommend doing a quick touch-up treatment whenever this occurs.


6-12 weeks is our average recommended treatment time, but some areas might need longer than that to achieve the result you desire. Continuing 1-2x weekly treatments for longer than 12 weeks is perfectly safe, and your device is equipped with enough flashes to use it as long as necessary.


How do I prevent pigmentation or discoloration after IPL?

Stay out of the sun! Stay in the shade, wear long clothing, and use SPF 30+ whenever you’re outside.